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Era of digital marketing

Todos is a leading consultancy and project management company, specializing in IT, Digital Transformation, and organizational growth operations. With a strong focus on consulting, strategic guidance, and project management, we offer expertise in CRM, ERP, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Portals, as well as support for sales and service and outsourcing.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between business and technology, assisting our clients in optimizing the efficiency of their information systems to achieve their business objectives. Our company is committed to delivering exceptional solutions and driving success for our clients.

Fixed Price Projects

Determining the appropriate package for your business is a unique process that starts with identifying your goals and selecting services that offer the best value for your investment.

Your budget is important

Digital marketing is also often more cost-effective than traditional marketing channels, such as print or television advertising. Many digital marketing channels, such as social media and email marketing, can be used for free or at a relatively low cost, while still reaching a large audience.

Creative Solutions

A robust brand is like a cherished memory – it brings a smile to your face and becomes a part of your identity. You share it with your loved ones, and it resonates deeply.

What do we offer?

IT services

Information technology services encompass a range of services utilized by organizations to create, manage, and deliver information, while also supporting various business functions. These services include consulting, software development, systems integration, hardware deployment, and education. The IT services market consists of multiple segments, such as outsourcing, managed services, security services, data management, and cloud computing.

In this industry, the profitability of companies hinges on their ability to innovate their services and expand their technical expertise. Both smaller and larger companies can thrive in this field: larger companies often provide comprehensive services with a global reach, while smaller companies carve out niches and tailor their offerings to meet specific customer needs. Cloud computing is a particularly dynamic and rapidly growing segment within IT services, serving as a driving force for IT-related innovation.


Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the primary tiers of cloud computing, alongside Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It enables businesses to optimize their resources by shifting away from IT hardware, software, and personnel expenses towards other critical business needs.

What does the SaaS model entail? The SaaS model involves service providers offering customers access to application software and databases through cloud-based delivery. The customer’s interaction with the software occurs via a client program or web browser, with the underlying infrastructure, platforms, operating systems, and software intricacies being managed by the provider. Consequently, customers are relieved of the burden of hardware maintenance and resource management.

The software provider either engages an independent software vendor to host the application and related data or hosts it on its own servers. In this arrangement, end-users pay a per-user or per-use fee to the service provider, ensuring continuous access to the latest software version. This pricing model offers flexibility and scalability, enabling users to be added or removed as needed. Moreover, it shields customers from the customary capital expenditure associated with establishing new platforms, infrastructure, and software licenses.


Platform as a Service (PaaS) is one of the three primary tiers of cloud computing, along with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). It enables businesses to reallocate resources away from IT hardware, software, and personnel expenses towards other critical business requirements. PaaS offerings are particularly beneficial for mobile applications, cross-platform application development, and DevOps tools.

What does the PaaS model entail? In the PaaS model, customers purchase a comprehensive solution from a cloud provider to build their applications. In addition to the services provided by the IaaS model, such as virtualization, servers, storage, and networking, the PaaS model includes runtime, middleware, and operating systems. This allows PaaS customers to focus solely on application development and data management, while the service provider takes care of the underlying infrastructure’s ownership, operation, and maintenance. PaaS solutions not only reduce the need for infrastructure management but also automate or eliminate maintenance tasks, while facilitating the adoption of new technologies and offerings.


Cloud computing refers to the utilization of remote server networks, typically accessed via the Internet, for data storage, management, and processing.

Segments within the cloud service market Cloud computing offers customers access to diverse technologies while reducing barriers to entry, such as technical expertise and costs. The cloud service market is commonly categorized into three primary service models: infrastructure, platform, and software. Depending on their specific requirements and security considerations, customers can choose between private, public, or hybrid cloud deployment models.

Software as a Service (SaaS) The largest segment of cloud computing is Software as a Service (SaaS), which currently generates the majority of revenue in the overall cloud computing market. SaaS has become a prevalent delivery model for enterprise applications, including customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning software. Under this model, customers pay for access to software and databases, while the service provider manages the infrastructure and platforms.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides customers with a computing platform for application development. This platform typically includes an operating system, web servers, databases, and access to programming language environments. Prominent PaaS providers include Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and IBM Cloud. While the cloud platform market is predicted to experience rapid growth in the coming decade, it is expected to remain the smallest segment within cloud computing.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers customers off-site support in the form of storage, servers, virtual machines, and networking.


Artificial intelligence (AI), once a concept confined to people’s imaginations and the realm of science fiction movies, has now become a commonplace reality in our daily lives, often without us even realizing it. AI refers to the capability of computers or machines to imitate human cognitive abilities, learning from past experiences to understand and respond to language, make decisions, and solve problems. These AI capabilities, such as computer vision and conversational interfaces, have become integrated into standard business processes across various industries. The key sectors embracing AI adoption include high tech and telecommunications, financial services, and healthcare and pharmaceuticals.

The components of the AI ecosystem The current AI ecosystem comprises machine learning, robotics, artificial neural networks, and natural language processing. Machine learning involves programs learning from existing data and leveraging this knowledge to analyze new data or make predictions. Robotics focuses on the development and training of robots, enabling them to interact with humans and the world based on predefined rules and predictable behavior. However, ongoing efforts are also exploring the use of deep learning to train robots with a certain level of self-awareness.


After you have acquired our website services, you will collaborate with one of our consultants who will delve into the specifics of your objectives and what you aim to achieve with your new website. Following the consultation, our team of SEO specialists and copywriters will join forces to generate keyword-rich content tailored to your website, using the information provided during the consultation. Subsequently, our skilled WordPress designers will craft a website that reflects your goals, employing modern design techniques and approaches. Once the website is built, it will undergo a meticulous review by our quality control team to ensure it is error-free and aligned with your objectives. Lastly, our Welcome Consultants will reach out to you to discuss and assess the initial draft of your site.


Cloud computing provides customers with access to a wide range of technologies, while simultaneously reducing barriers such as technical expertise and costs. The cloud service market is typically categorized into three primary service models: infrastructure, platforms, and software. Depending on their business requirements and security considerations, customers can opt for private, public, or hybrid cloud deployment models.

The largest segment within cloud computing is software as a service (SaaS), which currently generates the highest revenue share in the overall market. SaaS has become a popular delivery model for enterprise applications, including customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning software. In this model, customers pay for access to software and databases, while the service provider takes care of managing the infrastructure and platforms.


Information technology outsourcing (ITO) entails the utilization of external service providers to deliver various IT-dependent business processes, application services, and infrastructure solutions. It involves the practice of contracting specific work or services to outside suppliers or service providers, which would typically be handled internally.

The scope of outsourced IT services is wide-ranging, encompassing tasks such as programming, application development, and technical support. Some organizations even opt to outsource their entire IT departments, often entrusting these responsibilities to larger companies. By outsourcing, organizations can streamline operations, reduce operational costs, and allocate more attention to their core tasks.


Your target audience is seeking an escape from the relentless bombardment of intrusive advertising that reduces them to mere wallets.

Demonstrate your genuine concern for their problems by openly addressing and solving them through engaging website content that informs, entertains, and builds connections.

ToDos is a digital marketing agency that specializes in crafting comprehensive content marketing strategies. By seamlessly integrating search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, and conversion rate optimization (CRO), we help you deliver undeniable value to your audience, establishing your brand as the trusted go-to solution they rely on.


SEO copywriting has evolved beyond the practice of keyword stuffing in website copy to simply appease search engines like Google. These search engines now prioritize valuable content that people genuinely read and engage with, measuring factors like user engagement and time spent on pages. By providing your audience with relevant and useful information, you not only attract visitors but also encourage content sharing, which greatly benefits your SEO efforts.

As an experienced SEO copywriter, I specialize in identifying the ideal SEO words and phrases for your business. I then skillfully incorporate them into articles, blog posts, and guest posts for other websites, ensuring that the content not only reads flawlessly but also meets all the necessary SEO requirements. With my expertise, your content will strike the perfect balance between readability and SEO optimization.


Leverage the extensive expertise and profound technical knowledge of Intellectsoft’s top-notch professionals to develop a comprehensive IT strategy that aligns with your organization’s business objectives. With our strategic IT consulting services, we will assist you in automating and digitizing your operations, optimizing your software portfolio, and implementing cutting-edge technologies to drive digital and technological transformation within your organization. Trust us to provide the guidance and solutions you need to stay ahead in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Why ToDos?

With our comprehensive expertise in developing solutions and products from inception, as well as our strategic business and innovation consulting, design thinking, and proficiency in both physical and digital realms, we are committed to delivering value to our customers through innovation centered around human needs.

Our teams consist of multidisciplinary specialists who bring together diverse skills in various business domains and design thinking. Guided by modern management practices and utilizing advanced tools, we strive to optimize productivity. By employing agile methodologies, fostering effective client collaboration, utilizing development improvement tools, and leveraging the strength of hybrid teams, we ensure efficient and successful project execution.

Our skills

When it comes to business modernization, embracing a software-defined approach is vital for staying ahead. At ToDos, we are your reliable partner in designing and delivering software solutions that are not only effective and scalable but also focused on achieving desired outcomes for critical processes.

With our extensive partnership ecosystem and deep domain expertise, we enhance technology performance, optimize operational efficiency, and foster continuous innovation across various industries. Our solutions empower businesses with greater transparency, control, and the ability to drive sustainable growth. Trust ToDos to help you unlock the full potential of software-defined transformation.

We attentively listen to your business challenges, providing valuable insights based on our industry expertise, and collaborate with you to define the optimal solution.

Our vision

As the frontrunner in IT services systems integration, ToDos collaborates with influential brands to deliver exceptional solutions. Whether it’s deploying cutting-edge applications or providing customized engineering services, we are committed to partnering with insurance clients to unlock their maximum potential as industry leaders and renowned innovators. With our expertise and dedication, we empower our clients to thrive and make their mark in the market.

Let’s work together on your
next web project

We are happy to share our professionalism with you

Recognizing the importance of timely website launches, we prioritize efficiency to ensure that your project is completed within the specified timeframe. The duration of the project may vary depending on the scope of work and the specific services you need. Generally, a 5-page website can be fully developed within 2-3 weeks. However, if you have a more urgent timeline, we offer a fast delivery option for an additional fee. Rest assured that our dedication remains unwavering in delivering a high-quality website that meets your desired timeline with excellence.

Our website development process encompasses the following essential stages:

  1. Client-First Style Guide: We create a style guide that prioritizes consistency and enables future website updates.
  2. Image and Asset Optimization: We optimize all visuals and assets to ensure faster loading speeds, enhancing overall website performance.
  3. Accessible and Scalable HTML Structure: Following industry best practices, we develop the website with an accessible and scalable HTML structure, promoting a seamless and efficient browsing experience.
  4. Minimal Interactions and Animations: We strategically integrate subtle interactions and animations to enhance the user experience, providing an engaging and intuitive interface.
  5. Full Responsiveness Across Devices: We ensure the website is fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different devices and browsers, delivering a consistent and functional experience for all users.
  6. SEO and Page Speed Optimization: We conduct thorough SEO optimization and implement page speed enhancements to maximize conversions and improve the website’s visibility in search engine results.
  7. Comprehensive Testing: We rigorously test the website on various devices, including mobile phones (iOS and Android), tablets, and computers, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different platforms.
  8. Provision of Training Materials: We provide comprehensive training materials to empower you in effectively managing and maintaining your website in the future.

By following these steps, our goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, performance-optimized, and easily manageable website.

Contact our professionals for an individual package of services.

Our team consists of talented designers and certified Webflow experts who will actively engage in your project. We place a high emphasis on effective communication and collaboration, utilizing platforms such as Slack to ensure smooth coordination throughout the entire process. Working closely with our team, you can expect to benefit from their expertise and unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results.

With our hourly and monthly plans, we offer the flexibility of unlimited revisions for your Webflow project. This ensures that we can refine and perfect every aspect of your website to meet your satisfaction. However, if you choose the custom quote option, the number of revisions may be subject to specific limitations. Rest assured, our goal is to work closely with you to achieve your desired outcome and provide the highest level of quality and customization.